Saturday, January 7, 2012


Well, it's been awhile! Two years, to be precise. And what a crazy two years it's been. If there were anything I could say I've learned, it would be that time is a tricky little thing. We keep track of it everyday, try to keep up with it, but it creeps up on you until suddenly you're another year older and everything around you seems a little bit older, too.. And we can't control it. But so many good things can happen with time. Bad as well, of course, but it doesn't necessarily have to be if you don't want it to be. I'm learning this more and more each day; If you want something, just go out and get it. I mean, it's only life, right? You never know what masterpieces you could have in the end.

"Dream Big" - 07/29/11
Oil paint on wall, ??ft x ??ft

*"in dreams and in life, nothing is impossible!"

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